Tag Archive for: FM solutions

Customer Success Project Manager

If you like to work in a dynamic environment with multiple and challenging tasks, then we are looking for you.

Kópavogur, Capital Region, Iceland · Full-time · Mid-Senior level

Who are we?

Örn Software ehf is a software company with operations in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, England, Japan and Iceland. Örn Software ehf. specializes in the creation of the EG MainManager software, which is used in the management and operation of thousands of properties. The company is part of the Danish EG group with over 2,000 employees.

In the Customer Success team, we onboard clients taking care of the implementation of the EG MainManager software and help our customers to master it.

We are looking for a coworker who is interested working in a professional and fast-paced environment where the emphasis is placed on trust, respect and a good work ethic. Our ambition is to provide the best possible service to our customers.

Your role and responsibilities

In your role as a Customer Success Project Manager, you are involved in tasks that include both personal and professional challenges. You are in close contact with the customer and other stakeholders in a constantly changing and fast-paced environment. Your most important task is to ensure that our customers get the best possible experience working with us.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Implementation of the EG MainManager software.
  • Managing clients on all levels; technincal, business and product and helping them succeed
  • their goals.
  • Providing clients with training and webinars.
  • Introduce clients with new features.
  • Customizing of EG MainManager.

Your profile and qualifications

You are the perfect match for the role if you:

  • Have a university degree or equivalent education.
  • Have experience within IT solutions.
  • Love organising and have strong project management skills.
  • Are service-oriented.
  • Have strong analytical skills and a proactive approach.
  • Are able to familiarize you with the client’s work processes as well as the software in order to be able to answer diverse inquiries.
  • Can work independently, maintain perspective and focus on prioritizing and executing important projects.
  • Speaks Icelandic fluently
  • Possess excellent communication skills in English. It is a great advantage if you to know one Nordic language as well.

It is an advantage if you have knowledge about:

  • BIM and AutoCAD.
  • Power BI.
  • SQL.

We offer

  • Full time job with work facilities in Urðarhvar 6 in Kópavogur, Iceland.
  • A flexible working environment with the possibility to work from home to meet the demands of both your private and professional life.
  • A dynamic environment, with excellent opportunities to develop your skills and work across borders in the Nordic countries.
  • Committed colleagues who take responsibility, show care and help each other.
  • High priority of health and well-being.
  • Canteen at work.
  • Bootcamp at lunch.


If you would like more information, before you apply, please contact the Managing Director of Örn Software ehf, Guðrún Rós Jónsdóttir by phone +35 48 43 43 43 or via mail grojo@eg.dk. We evaluate the applications on an ongoing basis and recruit when the right candidate is found, so please send your CV and application as soon as possible. All inquiries are handled confidentially.

In EG we deliver Nordic vertical software that helps our customers move their businesses further.

We always strive to get better: We are a passionate team of innovators, problem solvers and doers. As an integral part of our culture, we take responsibility for our contribution to customers, to each other and to the society we live in.

Find out more at global.eg.dk or watch this short video: We are EG – YouTube if you want to know how the software we deliver makes a difference for many users every day. Read more about EG MainManager Iceland here: Um okkur – Mainmanager.

Job opportunity at EG MainManager, Iceland. Customer Success Project Manager. Contact me for more information.

Best regards

And then we take… Japan

We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Global BIM and KAJIMA Corporation in Japan and Singapore.

Together with One Eighty in UK and the Kajima branch in UK and Ireland, MainManager are working in some exciting projects in Japan and Singapore such as Yokohama Gate Tower, Hakata station in Japan and BIM developments in JTC project in Singapore. We are really happy – and very proud – about this unique collaboration!

MainManager recently signed a contract with GlobalBIM in Japan, a subsidiary company of Kajima Corporation. This means that MainManager FM software will be distributed in the Japanese and Singaporean market, which is really exciting for us in MainManager.

GlobalBIM is – through Kajima Corporation – already engaged in using MainManager in big projects, such as the JTC joint research project in Singapore, Yokohama Gate Tower and Hakata Station 4-chome in Japan and few others.

This is the result of a very good cooperation between MainManager and our partners. By taking this step together, Global BIM and Kajima Corporation are taking a lead in the Asian market, in using BIM in Facility Management.

Yokohama Gate Tower. 84000m2 building in Yokohama, Japan.

As our contact Bata Tamas in Global BIM says:

Global BIM Inc. initially selected MainManager as partner and IWMS software solution for the Kajima Group, a leading AEC company in Japan. Our group now believes that this software offers unique value to all our external customers and is currently working with leading AEC and Facilities Management companies in customizing the delivery of products and services to meet the highest quality and the most challenging needs of customers in Japan and Singapore. In the future, considering the latest technological trends such as IoT, AR/VR, and AI, we will promote integration with public databases and development. In addition, global BIM Inc. is also looking ahead to the future of the built environment and envisions a fully integrated digital twin supported by an ecosystem of diverse solutions centered on MainManager

バタ タマーシュ (Tamas, Global BIM)


Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn, and you will get the latest news and updates from us. If you want further information about us, and how our solutions could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!

Hattrick for MainManager!

MainManager – ‘Excellent in Iceland’ – three years in a row

In September 2020, MainManager Facility Management once again received the Fyrirmyndarfyrirtæki í Rekstri (Excellent in Iceland) recognition by Viðskiptablaðið and Keldan. MainManager is among the 3% of companies in the country to receive this award. Now we have received it three years in a row – and we are pretty happy about the hattrick!

MainManager Facility Management - 'Excellent in Iceland' three years in a row
We are really happy to have accomplished this, three years in a row now.

In order to get listed, companies need to live up to various conditions;

The companies must have delivered a positive return in the 2019 fiscal year. Revenues must have exceeded 30 million IS krónur, assets over 80 million, and the equity ratio must have exceeded 20%. In addition, other factors, like the results from previous year are taken into account.

But that’s not all

In addition to receiving the ‘Excellent in Iceland’ recognition, we are really excited about the development of our future MainManager FM version. We have learnt a lot within Facility Management for the last few years, and we are still learning. We have a great team, that consists of a diverse group of talented individuals that are passionate about delivering an outstanding product and service. That’s how we move forward in such a good way.

Big shoutout to MainManager Facility Management offices in Denmark and Norway, we all pull together! Hopefully we get to hang out together again – both customers and MainManager teams – across the different countries, when the world opens up again. In the meantime – stay safe out there.


Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn, and you will get the latest news and updates from us. If you want further information about us, and how our solutions could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!

Kristians visit to Aalesund

Kristian visited Aalesund last weekThe new Aalesund municipality is the result of a merger of five municipalities on…

Posted by MainManager on Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Happy news from MainManager Norway!

Beautiful Ålesund – and it’s scenic views!

MainManager to deliver FM solutions in Ålesund

Following the decision to merge the five municipalities; Ålesund, Haram, Sandøy, Skodje and Ørskog on the west coast of Norway, the new municipality decided to tender for a new Facility Management system. MainManagers offer was rewarded with high scores in the evaluation, and a contract was signed last week. We are really looking forward to work with our new partners in Norway!

The municipalities implement the building information system, property management and asset management system, apartment rental system, project management system for construction of new buildings, help desk for property users, cleaning planning, equipment registration, etc. MainManager will be integrating to the new municipality’s financial system to monitor the progress of projects, maintenance and new construction costs.

With this contract the new municipality of Ålesund intend to digitize a property portfolio of approximately 500,000 m2. They will implement digital work processes and utilize new technologies used in the construction industry, BIM, 2D interactive drawings, QR codes, APP, digital contract agreements, sensors etc.


Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn, to get the latest news and updates from us. If you want further information about us, and how our solutions could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!

Excellent in Iceland 2019

Happy staff here at the Icelandic office
We are generally a pretty happy crowd here at the Icelandic office, but today is extra special!
Big shoutout to our offices in Denmark and Norway too, we all pull together!


In September 2019, MainManager received the Fyrirmyndarfyrirtæki í Rekstri (Excellent in Iceland) recognition by Viðskiptablaðið and Keldan. MainManager is among the 3% of companies in the country to receive this award. That is kind of cool!

In order to get listed, companies need to live up to various conditions;
The companies must have delivered a positive return in the 2018 fiscal year. Revenues must have exceeded 30 million IS krónur, assets over 80 million, and the equity ratio must have exceeded 20%. In addition, other factors, like the results from previous year are taken into account.

You can read the special edition of Viðskiptablaðið here.


Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn, to get the latest news and updates from us. If you want further information about us, and how our solutions could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!


24. MAÍ. KL. 13:00 – 16:00

Við hjá MainManager erum að vinna að spennandi nýjungum í vörunni okkar þar sem við nýtum okkur alla mögulega grafík sem hjálpartæki í fasteignastjórnuninni á afar snyrtilegan hátt þ.e. GIS, BIM og 2D teikningar. Þetta verður ný útgáfa og nýtt viðmót með áherslu á einfalt notendaviðmót.

Margt hefur gerst síðan við héldum síðustu kynningu þegar útgáfa 11 kom út. MainManager fór í útrás og hefur haslað sér völl á Norðurlöndunum, Englandi og víðar. Við höfum lært heilmikið og unnið með og fyrir nokkra af stærstu fasteignaeigendum á þessum mörkuðum. Gífurleg reynsla hefur safnast upp sem við viljum gefa ykkur innsýn í.


13:00 Gestir boðnir velkomnir

13:10 Fasteignastjórnun
Stofnandi MainManager fer yfir upplýsingatækni og stafræna byltingu í fasteignastjórnun, markmið og tilgang, lykilþætti til að ná árangri, verkfæri MainManager og hagræðingu sem næst með þeim.

13:30 Notkun norska ríkisins á MainManager
Uppbygging eignasafns, notkun BIM, rekstur & viðhald, varðveisla menningarverðmæta, orku & umhverfismál.

14:00 Léttar veitingar

14:15 Hvernig nýtist lausnin stóru dönsku sveitarfélagi?
Fjárhagsáætlanir, uppbygging og eftirfylgni þeirra. Ávinningur af notkun reikningssamþykkta í MainManager.

14:30 Notkun stærsta spítala Norðurlandanna á hugbúnaðinum
Afhending gagna í gegnum BIM líkön og notkun þeirra í rekstri. Utanumhald á búnaði.

15:00 Helstu ferlar sem Kaupmannahafnarháskóli hefur innleitt
Ávinningur af notkun Space Management í milljón fermetra eignasafni.

15:15 Orku- og kerfisvöktun í MainManager

15:30 Kaffihlé

15:45 MainManager FM – Ný lausn
Á næstunni gefur MainManager út nýja lausn með áherslu á grafíska framsetningu gagna ásamt notkun á GIS kortum, BIM og 2D teikningum

16:15 Dagskrárlok

Frítt er inn á viðburðinn.
Vinsamlega skrá sig hér: info@mainmanager.com
Staðsetning í höfuðstöðvum MainManager, Urðarhvarfi 6

Við bjóðum upp á léttar veitingar.

MainManager ERFA meeting 2019

Just before Easter, MainManager arranged this years ERFA meeting.

We were 43 participants from Denmark, Norway and Iceland. And like last year, with speaks from some of our customers – and as something new – a speaker from outside our business circuit; Esmir Maslesa.

Ronni Egebjerg Petersen from Danmarks Nationalbank talked about how their solutions have developed over the years, and how the Bank has solved and structured their solutions for Contract Management.

Esmir Maslesa talked about his findings in his Phd.: “Improving Real Estate Management and Environmental Building Performance through systems and dynamic data”

Kenneth Løkslett from Trondheim Kommune gave us insight on how to place buildings in public maps. Finding ways to identify your property portfolio is fundamental for Property Management.

Heidi Hardis from Københavns Universitet gave us examples on how they work with MainManagers Space Management. She also talked about the experience they have gathered since implementing the Space Management solution in 2018.

Thank you!

To you guys: We are very grateful for how you were sharing your experiences. Not only to us, but to fellow users of our solutions! These meetings are of great value to us – and to other customers – as we always get a little bit further in our quest for making our Facility Management solutions as good as they get. The combination of great speaks with various different takes on Facility Management, and what we got from all our participants during our workshop – both the TOP 5 list of what is the most important for our users, but also all from other more informal input from you – we are definitely ready to continue the work from our part!

Benificial for all

There was representation from all kinds of MainManager users. Some have very different needs, others learned that they are very similar, and that further contact could be beneficial. We have a variety of customers, from those with thousands of m2 property mass, to smaller customers that might just need one module for the time being. We all learn from each other! It was really nice to see the many interactions across the room during the day.

On a more social note, we are also feeling changes are coming. Many of our customers have met a few times now, and I know plans are already shaping for next years meeting. Maybe a meet-up the evening before the ERFA meeting, just to chat over a drink or something. Sounds good to me!

Moving on with our solutions

From different groups within MainManager, I know there has been a lot of eager, to show off bits and pieces from our new and improved web-solution. We really believe in it and we were very happy to feel your enthusiasm! We look forward to sharing further development with you all!

Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn, and you will get the latest news and updates from us. If you want further information about us, and how the new interface could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!