Customer Success Project Manager

If you like to work in a dynamic environment with multiple and challenging tasks, then we are looking for you.

Kópavogur, Capital Region, Iceland · Full-time · Mid-Senior level

Who are we?

Örn Software ehf is a software company with operations in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, England, Japan and Iceland. Örn Software ehf. specializes in the creation of the EG MainManager software, which is used in the management and operation of thousands of properties. The company is part of the Danish EG group with over 2,000 employees.

In the Customer Success team, we onboard clients taking care of the implementation of the EG MainManager software and help our customers to master it.

We are looking for a coworker who is interested working in a professional and fast-paced environment where the emphasis is placed on trust, respect and a good work ethic. Our ambition is to provide the best possible service to our customers.

Your role and responsibilities

In your role as a Customer Success Project Manager, you are involved in tasks that include both personal and professional challenges. You are in close contact with the customer and other stakeholders in a constantly changing and fast-paced environment. Your most important task is to ensure that our customers get the best possible experience working with us.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Implementation of the EG MainManager software.
  • Managing clients on all levels; technincal, business and product and helping them succeed
  • their goals.
  • Providing clients with training and webinars.
  • Introduce clients with new features.
  • Customizing of EG MainManager.

Your profile and qualifications

You are the perfect match for the role if you:

  • Have a university degree or equivalent education.
  • Have experience within IT solutions.
  • Love organising and have strong project management skills.
  • Are service-oriented.
  • Have strong analytical skills and a proactive approach.
  • Are able to familiarize you with the client’s work processes as well as the software in order to be able to answer diverse inquiries.
  • Can work independently, maintain perspective and focus on prioritizing and executing important projects.
  • Speaks Icelandic fluently
  • Possess excellent communication skills in English. It is a great advantage if you to know one Nordic language as well.

It is an advantage if you have knowledge about:

  • BIM and AutoCAD.
  • Power BI.
  • SQL.

We offer

  • Full time job with work facilities in Urðarhvar 6 in Kópavogur, Iceland.
  • A flexible working environment with the possibility to work from home to meet the demands of both your private and professional life.
  • A dynamic environment, with excellent opportunities to develop your skills and work across borders in the Nordic countries.
  • Committed colleagues who take responsibility, show care and help each other.
  • High priority of health and well-being.
  • Canteen at work.
  • Bootcamp at lunch.


If you would like more information, before you apply, please contact the Managing Director of Örn Software ehf, Guðrún Rós Jónsdóttir by phone +35 48 43 43 43 or via mail We evaluate the applications on an ongoing basis and recruit when the right candidate is found, so please send your CV and application as soon as possible. All inquiries are handled confidentially.

In EG we deliver Nordic vertical software that helps our customers move their businesses further.

We always strive to get better: We are a passionate team of innovators, problem solvers and doers. As an integral part of our culture, we take responsibility for our contribution to customers, to each other and to the society we live in.

Find out more at or watch this short video: We are EG – YouTube if you want to know how the software we deliver makes a difference for many users every day. Read more about EG MainManager Iceland here: Um okkur – Mainmanager.

Job opportunity at EG MainManager, Iceland. Customer Success Project Manager. Contact me for more information.

Best regards

Facility Management – 30 years of moving forward!

In August 1990, Gunnlaugur B. Hjartarson and Linunhonnun engineering office, along with Petur Gunnlaugsson, started the MainManager adventure. At the time, the concept of Facility Management did not exist in the minds of its founders. The main objective was maintenance of buildings and the development of knowledge banks for durability of building parts.

Founder, Gunnlaugur reflects:

We were lucky to get good customers from the beginning, but in these early years, we probably also made all the mistakes that could be made. Brave men and women were sent out to building sites to measure and record building components, ranging from windows and walls to technical systems and beyond. We soon became champions on registering building parts, but we had little focus on how maintaining all this detailed information would do the building owner any good. When we saw what they really needed; tools that solves daily tasks, we began to identify what kind of processes are useful for the general management of real estate.

This was a good lesson for us – and our customers. It should be mentioned that they are still our customers today.

After some time, we learned that our subject is called „Facility Management“. We have developed this subject further, with great partners in Scandinavia and the UK. The journey has been extremely instructive. Now, 30 years later, MainManager is used to manage 10.000.000 m2, in 7 countries.

Through our many and varied customers, and off course our skilled employees, we have learned which processes in Facility Management gives the most benefits. It is fair to say that MainManager over the years has developed recognized and tested solutions within the Facility Management sector. So, after 30 years on our own, we are now super excited to start a new adventure as part of the ØRN Software family. I always wanted our product to be accessible for everyone who needs a clear overview of their properties. With ØRN, we will achieve just that.

Graphic Designer, Gro Teig continues:

In 2017 I started my adventure in MainManager. That makes me one of the latest to join the MainManager team. Still, I think my observations, my experience, (and my survey for the employees…) can shed some light on the people behind the product.

So, what started with 1 person in Iceland 30 years ago, now consists of a group of talented individuals in Iceland, Denmark, and Norway. We love to educate ourselves, and in total we spent around 120 years doing so : )

As a goldsmith, turned graphic designer, I must admit, I was a bit nervous about joining the crew of developers, engineers, sales- and product experts. I had been very ill for a few years. I felt a bit off my game, and entered a high intensity work environment, with my own reduced work capacity. All my nerves were soon calmed, as I from the start was very well taken care of. A reason for this might be that we, in addition to working with making great software, also are raising 37 children, 5 dogs, 5 cats and 9 (!) rabbits. That requires a lot of care & love!

I guess we also really love our workplace, as we in average have spent more than 10 years in MainManager. Some a lot more, a couple of us a little less. One can only do so much business, without a good dose of pleasure. We are travelers, nature lovers, party people, sportsmen- and women. We love Fridays, but do not mind Mondays. For those of us, who needs coffee to get through the week, we drink around 4 cups of the brew every day.

Every year all employees, and our partners, meet up for a fun weekend. With offices in Iceland, Denmark, and Norway, we do not really see each other that often. The annual party is therefore an event we all look forward to! 2020 was sadly a year we were not able to keep up the tradition, hug each other and dance the night away. I hope we can reach out beyond the screen soon!”

Now we are entering a new era, with our new extended family; Ørn Software. It’s exciting and we are looking forward to the road we’re going to walk with our new colleagues in Norway.


If you want further information about us, and how our solutions could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!

View Software Acquires MainManager

New chapter for MainManager

The MainManager team is looking forward to being part of View Software and the Viking Venture family. We have found a perfect match for our vision and ambition to be a leading company within Facility Management in the Nordic region and other countries. We are experiencing a major shift in the construction industry. Professional building owners are gaining much more focus on how to efficiently managing their building portfolio. Using FM tools enables them to make even better decisions about new facilities and more sustainable solutions.

Who is View Software?

View Software is a Norwegian company with a dominant position in the development of software to support all forms of digital maintenance and energy follow-up. The company was founded in 1990 and has its headquarter in Trondheim. Their current activities are based in Scandinavia, but they have a clear strategy and goal of expanding in other parts of the world.

In recent years, View Software has acquired a number of software companies that support the maintenance of production equipment, aquaculture and properties. Read more about viewsoftware.

With the acquisition of MainManager, we have gained access to a modern software platform that will quickly strengthen our competitiveness in Scandinavia. When we look across our portfolio, we will be able to put together unique industry-specific solutions. Solutions that will enable our customers to realize even greater gains with View MainManager in the future.

Sten-Roger Karlsen, CEO View Software

View Software Acquires MainManager

Why selling MainManager?

At MainManager, we have always had ambitions to distribute the solution to the whole world. After 30 years in the Nordic region, we have learned that it requires in-depth market understanding and capital to gain a foothold in new markets. The owners of MainManager see the transfer as an important part of being able to realize the company’s full potential. We believe that View Software can meet this long-term strategic challenge. View works professionally with sales. Customer Success and User Experience Design are among the company’s core competencies. We have no doubt that it will benefit our current and new customers.

Will the sale lead to any major changes?

The founders of MainManager, Gunnlaugur B. Hjartarson and Gudmundur Ludvigsson, will remain in the company. They will become investors in View Software in connection with the transfer. All other employees remain in the company after the takeover. Our Icelandic team continues to work tirelessly from Reykjavik, and daily tasks will still be solved from our offices in Oslo and Copenhagen. MainManager’s brand and interface, lives on. We look forward to welcoming you and a lot of new users to View MainManager.

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Best regards

Guðrún Rós Jónsdóttir, CEO MainManager


If you want further information about us, and how our solutions could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!

Hattrick for MainManager!

MainManager – ‘Excellent in Iceland’ – three years in a row

In September 2020, MainManager Facility Management once again received the Fyrirmyndarfyrirtæki í Rekstri (Excellent in Iceland) recognition by Viðskiptablaðið and Keldan. MainManager is among the 3% of companies in the country to receive this award. Now we have received it three years in a row – and we are pretty happy about the hattrick!

MainManager Facility Management - 'Excellent in Iceland' three years in a row
We are really happy to have accomplished this, three years in a row now.

In order to get listed, companies need to live up to various conditions;

The companies must have delivered a positive return in the 2019 fiscal year. Revenues must have exceeded 30 million IS krónur, assets over 80 million, and the equity ratio must have exceeded 20%. In addition, other factors, like the results from previous year are taken into account.

But that’s not all

In addition to receiving the ‘Excellent in Iceland’ recognition, we are really excited about the development of our future MainManager FM version. We have learnt a lot within Facility Management for the last few years, and we are still learning. We have a great team, that consists of a diverse group of talented individuals that are passionate about delivering an outstanding product and service. That’s how we move forward in such a good way.

Big shoutout to MainManager Facility Management offices in Denmark and Norway, we all pull together! Hopefully we get to hang out together again – both customers and MainManager teams – across the different countries, when the world opens up again. In the meantime – stay safe out there.


Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn, and you will get the latest news and updates from us. If you want further information about us, and how our solutions could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!

Excellent in Iceland 2019

Happy staff here at the Icelandic office
We are generally a pretty happy crowd here at the Icelandic office, but today is extra special!
Big shoutout to our offices in Denmark and Norway too, we all pull together!


In September 2019, MainManager received the Fyrirmyndarfyrirtæki í Rekstri (Excellent in Iceland) recognition by Viðskiptablaðið and Keldan. MainManager is among the 3% of companies in the country to receive this award. That is kind of cool!

In order to get listed, companies need to live up to various conditions;
The companies must have delivered a positive return in the 2018 fiscal year. Revenues must have exceeded 30 million IS krónur, assets over 80 million, and the equity ratio must have exceeded 20%. In addition, other factors, like the results from previous year are taken into account.

You can read the special edition of Viðskiptablaðið here.


Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn, to get the latest news and updates from us. If you want further information about us, and how our solutions could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!

MainManager í fremstu röð í nýsköpun í fasteignarekstri

Bylting á sér nú stað í stafrænni upplýsingatækni í byggingariðnaði sem smám saman skilar sér í mikilli hagræðingu í rekstri mannvirkja. MainManager hefur tekið þátt í byltingunni síðustu 30 ár í gegnum innlenda og erlenda viðskiptavini sem margir eru fremstir á þessu sviði í heiminum. Skrefunum sem viðskiptavinir MainManager hafa tekið er hægt að lýsa í nokkrum þrepum. Í fyrsta lagi hafa þeir komið gögnum um mannvirkin á stafrænt form. Í öðru lagi hafa þeir innleitt rafræna verkferla fyrir rekstur mannvirkjanna með beintengingu við bókhaldskerfi. Má þar nefna verkferla fyrir viðhald og rekstur, hjálparborð, ræstingar, orkuvöktun og leigusamninga. Að hafa þetta allt á einum stað auðveldar umsjónarmönnun fasteigna að hafa yfirsýn yfir þau verk sem þarf að vinna í mannvirkjunum sem og kostnaðarstöðu. Í þriðja lagi hafa þeir tekið í notkun IoT skynjara til að innleiða sjálfvirkni í reksturinn. „Skynjararnir geta mælt mörg ólík atriði. Þeir geta til dæmis sent skilaboð til að láta vita að það þurfi að tæma ruslagáminn, að gluggi sé opinn eða að ljós séu kveikt einhvers staðar eða hreyfing í einhverju húsi. Möguleikarnir eru óendanlegir,“ segir Guðrún Rós Jónsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri MainManager. „Þessir skynjarar eru orðnir mun ódýrari en áður og hægt er að nota þessa tækni til að spara sér heilmikla eftirlitsvinnu.“ Þeir sem lengst eru komnir eru byrjaðir að notast við gervigreind (machine learning) til að aðstoða við að taka réttar ákvarðanir byggðar á reynslu og þekkingu sem safnast hefur saman í þekkingargrunn rekstraraðilans.

Nýsköpun MainManager, samþætting tæknilausna

Guðmundur og Guðrún Rós

Guðrún segir fyrirtækið hafa haft öfluga viðskiptavini og spennandi verkefni í Fasteignastjórnun á síðustu árum. „Norska ríkið – Statsbygg – er stór viðskiptavinur MainManager, sveitarfélög bæði íslensk sem erlend, má hér nefna Aarhus kommune í Danmörku sem var að koma inn sem nýr viðskiptavinur á þessu ári. Stærsti spítali Norðurlanda sem staðsettur er á Jótlandi og Kaupmannahafnarháskóli eru einnig á meðal okkar viðskiptavina,“ segir hún. „Þetta eru viðskiptavinir sem eiga og reka milljónir fermetra af húsnæði. Margir viðskiptavinir okkar hafa verið óhræddir við að prófa sig áfram með nýjustu tækni. Lausnir MainManager hafa ekki farið varhluta af þessu og byggja nú í ríkum mæli á stafrænum kortum, þrívíddarlíkönum af mannvirkjum (BIM), gagnvirkum hæðarteikningum og þeim möguleikum sem snjallsímatæknin býður upp á svo sem skönnun á QR-kóðum og GPS-staðsetningu. Með því að sýna viðskiptavinum fram á skynsamlega notkun á þessu hefur MainManager náð að skipa sér í fremstu röð á sínum mörkuðum.“

Mikilvægi fasteignastjórnunar stöðugt að aukast

Fasteignastjórnun (Facility Management) er um 30 ára faggrein í Evrópu. Mikilvægasta hlutverk fagsins er að sjá um viðhald og rekstur á mannvirkjum sem eins og dæmin sanna af innlendum fréttum undanfarið má oft betur fara. Það vinnur einnig að því að samþætta innra skipulag og þjónustuferla fasteigna með það markmið að styðja kjarnastarfsemina sem fram fer í byggingunni og tryggja þægindi og heilsu fólksins. Innra skipulag aðstöðunnar og framkvæmd stoðferla hefur meiri áhrif á fólk og afköst en menn hafa gert sér grein fyrir. Þetta þýðir að faghópurinn sem sinnir fasteignastjórnun er farinn að hafa áhrif á allar ákvarðanir um byggingu, skipulag og þjónustu við hönnun nýrra mannvirkja. Stærri fasteignaeigendur hafa reyndar gengið svo langt að krefjast nákvæms stafræns líkans áður en til framkvæmda við byggingu fasteignar kemur. Þá er hægt að gera ýmsar greiningar á aðstöðunni eins og líftímagreiningar, ferlagreiningar, reikna út umhverfisáhrif út frá efnisvali, orkunotkun og fleira. Þessir aðilar hafa margir hverjir safnað saman verðmætum upplýsingum frá rekstri stærri eignasafna. Til að þetta sé mögulegt þarf öflugt fasteignaumsjónarkerfi.

Starfsmenn MainManager á Íslandi

Ávinningur fasteignaeigenda

Guðrún segir flesta vera sammála um að notkun öflugra stafrænna verkferla við rekstur fasteigna gefi mikla hagræðingu hjá rekstraraðilanum. „Það sem hins vegar hefur vafist fyrir fasteignaeigandanum er fjárfestingin við að umbreyta gögnum á stafrænt form. Það er forsenda þess að þessir verkferlar skili almennilegum árangri. Þar sem þetta hefur verið mælt sýnir það svart á hvítu að fjárfestingin skilar sér strax á tveimur til þremur árum. Þá á enn eftir að reka mannvirkið í 40 til 60 ár.“ Almennt er kostnaður fyrirtækja í stoðþjónustu um 10-20% af rekstrarkostnaði þeirra. Með vel skilgreindum rafrænum verkferlum er hægt að ná fram ögun og hagræðingu sem skilar um 10-30% sparnaði á þessum þáttum. Stjórnendum er gert kleift að byggja ákvarðanir á tölulegum staðreyndum um leið og þeir byggja upp þekkingu á eignamassa og þjónustu sinni. Guðrún nefnir sem dæmi að einfalt er að reikna út ávinning af skilvirkri flatarmálsstjórnun. Hagræðing hjá stórum fasteignaeiganda í notkun á flatarmáli getur leitt til tugmilljóna króna sparnaðar. Ef yfirsýnin er til staðar þá auðveldar það að sjá hvort húsnæði sé nýtt til fulls. Í skólahúsnæði eru sem dæmi stofur oft ekki nýttar á kvöldin og þá væri hægt að leigja þær út til annarrar starfsemi til að ná betri nýtingu.“

Stuðningur við heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna

Guðmundur Ludvigsson, framkvæmdastjóri MainManager í Danmörku, segir að hugbúnaðurinn dragi fram hvaða verkefni styðja við heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna og hvetji notendur til að hafa þessa þætti í huga við markmiðasetningu sína. Sem dæmi hafa byggingar og byggingaframkvæmdir gríðarleg áhrif á umhverfið og leggja til:

  • 36% af orkunotkun heimsins
  • 40% af kolefnisfótspori
  • 33% af vatnsnotkun
  • 33% af úrgangi

„Það má rökstyðja að tíu af sautján heimsmarkmiðum Sameinuðu þjóðanna tengjast byggingum og rekstri þeirra á einn eða annan hátt. Í gegnum kerfið reynum við í auknum mæli að stuðla að betri orkunýtingu og minna kolefnisfótspori tengdu mannvirkjum. Kerfið veitir yfirsýn sem hjálpar til við að ná heimsmarkmiðunum,“ segir Guðmundur.

Ný tækifæri fyrir ráðgjafa í byggingariðnaðinum

„Verkfræðingar og arkitektar hafa verið leiðandi í notkun þrívíddarlíkana sem innihalda allar helstu tæknilegar upplýsingar um mannvirkið (BIM) í hönnun og byggingu á mannvirkjum. Þó vantar töluvert upp á að þeir sjái heildarmyndina og vinni að því að mannvirkjaeigandinn fái sem mesta hagræðingu og not af þessum líkönum,“ segir Guðmundur. „Hér vantar sameiginlegt átak aðila í byggingariðnaðinum til að lyfta þessu á hærra plan. Með því að vinna þessi líkön með því markmiði að þau lifi með mannvirkinu allan líftíma þess þá er miklum áfanga náð. Líkanið verður þá lykillinn fyrir upplýsingar fyrir allan rekstur og þjónustu á líftíma mannvirkisins.“

Spennandi verkefni í Singapúr

MainManager vinnur nú að spennandi verkefni í samvinnu við samstarfsaðila fyrirtækisins á Englandi og Kajima í Japan. Kajima er stórt verktakafyrirtæki sem á að afhenda fullkomið rekstrarhæft BIMlíkan til viðskiptavinar í Singapúr. „MainManager hugbúnaðurinn verður notaður í rekstrinum með öflugum tengingum við fjölda nema (IoT) sem taka púlsinn á rekstrinum. Kerfið verður notað til flatarmálsstjórnunar, útreiknings á umhverfisáhrifum og stýringar á orkunotkun,“ segir Guðrún. „Leigutakar munu nota kerfið við sinn eigin rekstur, uppsetningu á innbúi o.fl. Einnig er ráðgerð notkun og innleiðing á gervigreind (big data analysis) þegar fram í sækir.“

Ný MainManager FM lausn

Í lok árs kemur ný MainManager FM lausn á markað sem leggur enn ríkari áherslu á notendavænleika og grafíska framsetningu gagna. Hún er skalanleg og aðlagast skjástærð, hvort sem um ræðir snjallsíma, spjaldtölvu eða borðtölvu.


Last Friday we held a Facility Management conference in Iceland.  The goal was to talk about the different uses of MainManager in Denmark and Norway. We also wanted to share what we have learnt within Facility Management for the last few years.

This was one of the hottest days until now in the Icelandic summer (around 10 degrees). That did not stop the enthusiastic crowd of Facility Managers from attending our conference. We would like to thank them all, because we know how hard it is for an Icelander to stay inside, when there is sunshine outside : )


After a nice introduction from our CEO Guðrún Rós Jónsdóttir, Gulli B. Hjartarson, the Manager of MainManager Norway, honoured us with the first talk of the day. He told us everything (and more!) about Facility Management and the effects of the digital revolution on Facility Management as an industry. He was followed by our Norwegian based employee Einar, who told us about Statsbygg (The Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property), and how MainManager has become one of the critical systems within their organisation. 

Statsbygg’s use of MainManager by Einar


After a 15 minute break where attendants were able to stretch their legs and consume some fuel in the form of mini burgers, it was time to talk about our Danish market.

Our Danish Branch Manager, Guðmundur, kicked it off by talking about how Danish municipalities are using MainManager, focusing on the Danish municipalitie Slagelse. He then moved on to talking about Region Midt (Central Denmark Region), and how they are using BIM within MainManager. Our Iceland based employee, Þorgerður, then concluded the Danish part of the conference, by talking about Copenhagen University, and how they use MainManager within Space Management.

Our energy specialist in Iceland, Sævar, then proceeded to talk about how MainManager can be used within energy consulting. 

Sævar on energy consulting


Then it was time to give participants the opportunity to stretch their legs again before the last talk of the day.  Elísabet, Guðjón and Hilmar gave participants a glimpse into the new version of MainManager that is on its way later this year.

Hilmar and Guðjón happy to show off parts of the new solution.

Overall the conference was a big success. We hope that all the participants went home a little wiser about Facility Management as an industry, and with more knowledge on how MainManager can be used to optimize success, within that industry. We noticed that people were very excited about the development of our future MainManager FM version.

This will defenitely not be the last conference MainManager will hold. We are already looking forward to the next one!


If you want further information about us, and how our solutions could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!


24. MAÍ. KL. 13:00 – 16:00

Við hjá MainManager erum að vinna að spennandi nýjungum í vörunni okkar þar sem við nýtum okkur alla mögulega grafík sem hjálpartæki í fasteignastjórnuninni á afar snyrtilegan hátt þ.e. GIS, BIM og 2D teikningar. Þetta verður ný útgáfa og nýtt viðmót með áherslu á einfalt notendaviðmót.

Margt hefur gerst síðan við héldum síðustu kynningu þegar útgáfa 11 kom út. MainManager fór í útrás og hefur haslað sér völl á Norðurlöndunum, Englandi og víðar. Við höfum lært heilmikið og unnið með og fyrir nokkra af stærstu fasteignaeigendum á þessum mörkuðum. Gífurleg reynsla hefur safnast upp sem við viljum gefa ykkur innsýn í.


13:00 Gestir boðnir velkomnir

13:10 Fasteignastjórnun
Stofnandi MainManager fer yfir upplýsingatækni og stafræna byltingu í fasteignastjórnun, markmið og tilgang, lykilþætti til að ná árangri, verkfæri MainManager og hagræðingu sem næst með þeim.

13:30 Notkun norska ríkisins á MainManager
Uppbygging eignasafns, notkun BIM, rekstur & viðhald, varðveisla menningarverðmæta, orku & umhverfismál.

14:00 Léttar veitingar

14:15 Hvernig nýtist lausnin stóru dönsku sveitarfélagi?
Fjárhagsáætlanir, uppbygging og eftirfylgni þeirra. Ávinningur af notkun reikningssamþykkta í MainManager.

14:30 Notkun stærsta spítala Norðurlandanna á hugbúnaðinum
Afhending gagna í gegnum BIM líkön og notkun þeirra í rekstri. Utanumhald á búnaði.

15:00 Helstu ferlar sem Kaupmannahafnarháskóli hefur innleitt
Ávinningur af notkun Space Management í milljón fermetra eignasafni.

15:15 Orku- og kerfisvöktun í MainManager

15:30 Kaffihlé

15:45 MainManager FM – Ný lausn
Á næstunni gefur MainManager út nýja lausn með áherslu á grafíska framsetningu gagna ásamt notkun á GIS kortum, BIM og 2D teikningum

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New interface for the MainManager system

My name is Hilmar Steinþórsson and I started working with MainManager in 2001. I know I’m a dinosaur : )

In this blogpost I’m going to recap a little bit the history of the MainManager solution. I will also tell you about the exciting work that is going on at the moment. We are working on a brand new interface for the MainManager system. For the past 18 years I’ve taken part in many redesigns and changes to the MainManager system. I have to say though, that the current design we are working on, is the most exciting yet!

MainManager version 10

When I started working at MainManager, the solution was only available as a Windows program. It was accessible through something called terminal server.  The web technology was on the rise and the goal for MainManager was to design a 100% web-based solution.  That goal was first accomplished in 2010, with the release of version 10. This allowed our customers to work with all their processes on the web for the first time, without the use of a windows program on the side.

MainManager version 11

In 2012 we released version 11 of the MainManager solution.  That version contained a newly designed interface implemented with the latest web technologies available at that time.  We introduced a new process layout that guided the users through a specific process within MainManager. For the past 7 years we have made small adjustments and additions to this interface. Today our customers are using version 11.14 of the MainManager solution. Version 11 has served our customers well for this time, but is starting to show it’s wear and tear, especially with all the exciting new web technology that has emerged over the past few years. Also, the demands of our customers have changed with new devices available, such as powerful smartphones and tablets.  As a result of that we have been working on a complete redesign of the MainManager interface, using all the new technologies available.


MainManager version 11 – Setup of sites process


Facility Management is a big field that contains a lot of complex processes. The challenge when designing a FM solution is to be able to work with all these processes, while keeping it simple and intuitive for the user of the solution. Through the years we have listened to our customers while also comming up with new ideas internally.  Therefore, when we started working on the redesign of the MainManager interface, we wrote down some design goals that we would try to accomplish throughout the whole process.

Simplify as much as possible

Even though the subject of Facility Management can be a complex subject, it doesn’t mean that the FM system has to be.  In the design of the new interface we have asked the question constantly: „How can we make this as simple as possible for the end user?“. To start with we have broken down the subjects that MainManager offers into independent processes that are predefined and require minimal setup. Each process provides extensive help and guidelines and all relevant settings are readily available.  We have kept all the things that make MainManager great, such as extensive filtering possibilities, grouping of data and accessability. In the new interface though, they are presented in a more non intrusive way.  If you are not using the feature it does not interfere, but access to it is only one click away.

Responsive design

Responsive design is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on any device and screen size.  In the new design we have used all the latest technologies available, to make every process within the solution usable no matter the device used.


The same module on a big screen and a small screen

The same module on a big screen and a small screen


In today’s world users are used to have access to information within microseconds.  That can be difficult to achieve when dealing with large amounts of data as the MainManager solution does.  We have completely redesigned how we present and work with data within the solution using all the latest client side technologies available.  All unnecessary refreshes have been removed and in those places that need updating of data asynchronous web service calls are used to enhance the user experience as much as possible.


For the past years it has been possible to use what we call the 3 graphical worlds in MainManager.  Those worlds are GIS maps, interactive drawings (2D) and BIM models (3D).  It gives the user of a FM system a big advantage to be able to use these graphical worlds within his daily work for viewing information and creating it.  The problem within the current solution is that these possibilities are not as visible as they should be and therefore are not used to their full capabilities.  In the new interface, we have worked on adding these graphical capabilities to every process, by making them readily available no matter where the user is and no matter what he is doing.


GIS map used to show buildings

GIS map used to show buildings.


Possible to open up a BIM model directly from the map

You have the possibility to open up a BIM model directly from the map.

One click setup

Our goal with the new design is to be able to offer a solution that can be up and running within minutes.  The biggest hurdle in that is to populate the system with the customers relevant data such as their sites and buildings.  Therefore, we have added integrations to the public data services such as Matrikkel in Norway and BBR in Denmark.  With just one click the customer can then populate the solution with the data available in these services.  All import of data has also been redesigned in a way that the user should always have a way to populate the solution with needed data no matter the data source.

User defined

An addition to our new interface, is the possibility for our users to create their own property windows, lists, filters and new fields.  This greatly reduces the cost for our customers since these things don‘t have to be programmed any more.


We estimate releasing the new interface for the MainManager system to our customers later this year. We are so looking forward to allowing them to experience a completely new MainManager. Hopefully it will give them the feel of all the hard work and joy that we have poured into it. Until that time I can give you a sneak preview of the new design through this video that shows the Helpdesk process within MainManager.


Stay in touch

If you want further information about us, and how the new interface could work for you, please contact us, and subscribe to our newsletter!


Until next time I bid you farewell.


Gísli Heimisson has been appointed the CEO of MainManager

Gísli Heimisson has been appointed the new CEO of MainManager.
Gísli has extensive experience from the business sector, he was the COO at MP Bank until spring 2015 and previously the CIO at Glitnir Bank. Gísli has years of experience in information technology and management, both as a buyer and seller. Gísli has played a number of confidential positions and has served on the boards of numerous companies.

Gísli is a 59-year-old engineer Msc. From the Technical University of Denmark. He is married to Þorgerður Ragnarsdóttir nurse.