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New interface for the MainManager system

My name is Hilmar Steinþórsson and I started working with MainManager in 2001. I know I’m a dinosaur : ) In this blogpost I’m going to recap a little bit the history of the MainManager solution.

Case: Pilot project at Statsbygg Norway

What is BIM?
BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a process for creating and managing all information on a project – before, during and after construction. There is a common misconception that BIM only means 3D design. It’s much more.

Looking forward to the new year!

It seems like the year has just flown by since I started my new role as CEO of MainManager in March this year

Case story: University of Copenhagen

In august 2016, Mainmanager and University of Copenhagen (Københavns Universitet) made a contract on implementing MainManager as a Facility Management solution for the University. One faculty from the University had already been a customer for a few years…

Mission statement: “Facility Management excellence for everyone”

In the beginning…
Our company has now worked on consulting and implementing Facility Management software and processes since 1994. When the company started this journey, the concept of Facility Management did not exist in the minds of its founders.